5 things to consider when creating bespoke activity packs!
Audience – How old are the children you are targeting? If you want them to get the most out of the pack and really enjoy it – you’ll need to do some research. Conducting focus groups with children of the age range you are targeting can be an excellent way to fuel this. Not only will you find out what they like about activity packs, but also what they would like to see in future packs used. You can utilise this opportunity by finding out how other businesses compare and even get the kids to suggest improvements.
Purpose – What is the purpose of your pack? Is it to educate? To entertain? Both? Perhaps it’s a keepsake. The purpose of the pack will guide the rest of the creation process, so it’s good to have a solid aim for your pack in place. If it is a keepsake, you may opt for more expensive items in your pack if you are planning to retail them. If it is to educate, you may choose to have numeracy and literacy activities. If it is to entertain, you may add some more practical/physical games to the pack.
Budget – What is your budget? If you have a smaller budget, you can use cheaper materials to create your pack. Forward planning is the best way to ensure you do not go over budget.
Time – If you are creating a pack to a deadline, you will need to make that you allow enough time for the products to be manufactured and delivered. If you leave it too late, you may miss your deadline – which could be disastrous!
Brand – If you are looking to increase brand awareness, branding you activity packs with logos, or even characters relative to the brand can prove effective. When consumers recognise the branding, that’s another step forward to them buying a product/service from your business.
Get in touch with us today to find out more about bespoke packs or click here.