Activity Packs to Engage, Entertain & Educate
Keystage 1 and 2 children progressively learn through an integrated curriculum.This means that they study a specified topic, such as the Tudors, for the course of a term. Over this period, they will cover individual subjects such as English, History and Geography, all with an underlying Tudor theme. English may involve writing a piece about Tudor buildings, whilst history might be based around learning about King Henry’s wives.
Packme meet with headteachers, teachers and school governors to ensure that the way we present our activities compliments what is going on within school and is not detrimental to it. We are happy to listen and take guidance from schools, so you certainly won’t find Packme’s childrens packs attempting to replicate lessons such as simple sums and writing skills - that’s not our bag.
Instead, our packs are designed around characters that allow us to explore a given theme through innovative and captivating activities and interesting narratives.
Children’s activity packs should be educational, but most importantly, fun. Our packs are factual and stimulating, incorporating positive & friendly role models in the form of the characters and a narrative thread. In our classic activity packs, children are offered the opportunity to play with letters and sounds to support phonics. They are encouraged to investigate numbers and patterns, and develop hand-eye co-ordination through colouring, drawing and mazes. We also include games that require additional players to encourage families to get involved and enhance their logical and social skills.