Can cupcakes be superheroes? Our Activity Packs
The world’s weirdest superheroes are the weirdest, yet most wonderful superheroes you’ll be lucky to come across.
What’s in this pack?
In this pack you’ll receive a 12-paged activity booklet, stickers for use within the booklet & a multi-colour stacker crayon. All contents come in a fully recyclable polythene bag. These bags are large enough for you to add your own treats in too!
These superheroes love problem solving and our puzzles are designed to get kids motivated to do the same.
The Courageous Miss Cupcake is an anagram fiend. She has challenged everyone to try and make as many words as they can out of her name. This is a great game to play with kids, as it allows them to think independently & logically. And why not go the extra mile! Turn it into a competition? Whoever comes up with the most words gets a free desert!
Our activity packs are jam packed with fun colouring activities & puzzles to occupy children for long periods of time. We conduct focus groups with children of all ages to find out how we can improve our packs and make them even more enjoyable.
Our packs are fun, engaging and educational, following the principles of learning through doing.
If you’d like more information about our off the shelf activity packs please get in touch with us, and if you wish to place an order, head over to our online shop now.