Free Activity Pack Trial Available Now!
Our Free Trial has officially launched!
For a limited time only, businesses are invited to trial our activity packs completely, free of charge. We know that buying a box of activity packs may seem daunting, but with our cost-effective solution, you can try before you buy.
Each activity pack trial consists of 18 activity packs, which means you’ll receive all 9 of our captivating designs x 2!
What’s in our bags?
Each activity pack includes an activity booklet full of fun puzzles and games to entertain children whilst they are waiting. Also featured in the pack is a handy seven colour stacker crayon to complete tasks and a sticker sheet for use within the booklet. All contents are held in a recyclable bag to encourage children to take them home.
Feel free to call us to order your trial 01753 655344
How can activity packs benefit me?
Many of our clients have given us the following feedback;
- Families tend to stay long increasing their potential spend
- Entertaining children whilst they wait keeps them out of mischief
- Repeat visits, as children are often the ‘decision maker’ where a family dines
- Happy children = Happy parents
How can I order my trial?
There are two ways you can order your trial
1. Over the phone – Give us a call we will process your trial for you – Tel: 01753 655344
2. Send us your details online – Feel free to send us your details online & we will call you back to take the £2.80 payment for your postage. Please include the following,
Company Name, Contact Name, Registered Address, Telephone Number, Email and send to:
Am I obliged to place an order after the trial ends?
No, there is no obligation to order once your trial ends.
Is it really free of charge?
The trial itself is completely free of charge, we do however ask that you pay for postage – just a small amount of £2.80 + VAT (£3.36 total).
How much is the trial worth?
The trial is worth over £23.00. The value of pack is calculated @ individual pack price + standard delivery charge.
Can I trial the activity packs more than once?
Trials are limited to one trial per customer.
Can anyone order this trial?
Sadly, this trial is only available for business customers.
Do you have other products?
We have a variety of off the shelf items available to purchase, please visit our online shop to see the full range.
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